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DAY 1 - How to Know the Future?
As believers, we understand that we do not possess the ability to predict the exact time or date of Jesus’s return. However, there are practical steps we can take to be prepared for that momentous event. By maintaining a strong prayer life, studying scripture, and living out our faith in daily actions, we can be spiritually vigilant and ready for Christ’s second coming. We must also prioritize living lives of love, kindness, and service to others, as these are the qualities that reflect Christ’s teachings and will ensure we are in harmony with His will when He returns. Ultimately, our focus should be on cultivating a deep relationship with God and following His commandments, rather than fixating on predicting the exact timing of Jesus’s return.

DAY 2 - Signs We Can't Ignore
As believers in Christ, it is essential that we pay attention to the signs indicating the imminent return of Jesus. From the increase in natural disasters to the spreading of wars and rumors of wars, the Bible gives us clear warnings about the end times. As we witness these events unfolding around us, we cannot afford to ignore the urgency of preparing our hearts and lives for Christ's return. It is a call to repentance, prayer, and vigilance, as we strive to be found faithful when he comes again. Let us be watchful and ready, for the signs are becoming more evident with each passing day.
DAY 3 - The Greate Escape
Jesus prepares us for a great escape on his coming by teaching us to be vigilant and ready for his return. In the Bible, Jesus warns us to stay awake and be ready, for we do not know the hour or the day of his arrival. By living a life of faith, love, and righteousness, we will be prepared to escape the judgment that will come upon the earth. Jesus also promises to come back to rescue his followers from the trials and tribulations of this world, offering us hope and assurance in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. As we eagerly anticipate his return, let us heed his teachings and be ready to escape to a place of eternal peace and joy in his presence.
DAY 4 - By Change or Design?
God created man in His image not by chance, but with deliberate intent. This means that humans were intentionally crafted to reflect aspects of God's character, such as love, compassion, creativity, and reason. This design highlights the unique and special connection between humanity and the divine, emphasizing that humans are not random creations but purposefully fashioned to embody spiritual qualities. As such, each individual carries the imprint of God within them, serving as a reminder of our intrinsic value and purpose in the world. By recognizing and embracing our divine likeness, we can strive to live in alignment with God's will and fulfill our true potential as reflections of the divine image.

DAY 5 - Secrets of Ancient Scrolls
The Bible, as a collection of texts that spans thousands of years and encompasses a wide range of genres and authorship, is often seen as a key source of information about ancient civilizations and their beliefs. One of the ways in which the Bible has been validated is through its similarities to other ancient scrolls and texts from the same period. Just as with the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in the mid-20th century and shed new light on the biblical texts, the Bible's teachings and stories often align with those found in other ancient writings, lending credibility to its claims and providing insight into the cultures and societies of the time. This validation of the Bible through comparison with other ancient scrolls highlights its importance as a historical and cultural document, as well as a spiritual text.

DAY 6 - Born to Live Forever
In the beginning, God created man in his own image and intended for him to live forever in harmony with him. However, when sin entered the world through disobedience to God, it brought with it the curse of death. Sin separates us from God and has devastating effects on our physical bodies, cutting short the life that God originally intended for us to have. Despite this, God offers us forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ, giving us the opportunity to be reconciled with him and experience eternal life once again. As we strive to resist sin and follow God's ways, we can find hope in the promise of everlasting life in his presence.
DAY 7 - What Happens When You Die?
According to the Bible, when man dies, his body returns to dust, but his spirit returns to God who gave it. The Bible teaches that after death, each person will face judgment before God. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and lived in accordance with His teachings will spend eternity in heaven with Him. However, those who have rejected God and lived in sin will face eternal separation from Him in hell. The Bible also speaks of a resurrection of the dead, where all individuals will be raised to face final judgment. Ultimately, the Bible teaches that the fate of every person after death is determined by their relationship with God and their acceptance of His gift of salvation through Christ.

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